Eps. 35: Tips for Each Human Design Type & Being Multipassionate [Human Design Series]

Eps. 35: Tips for Each Human Design Type & Being Multipassionate [Human Design Series]

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About the Episode:

Episode 35 is all about tips for each Human Design type to help you as a Multipassionate! ALL Human Design types can be multipassionate -- it's all about learning how you are uniquely designed to work to help you manage everything you want to do. In this episode, I talk about how each Human Design type is designed to be multipassionate, and how to use this information to help you be more successful. I walk you through actionable tips for each type to help you release old conditioning or expectations so you can understand how you best work!

Plus, get my Free Multipassionate Bundle that gives you two powerful tools to help you get started as a successful multipassionate entrepreneur here: bit.ly/multipassionatebundle

Learn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.com

Learn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast

Show Notes

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How ALL Human Design Types can be Multipassionate — not just the Manifesting Generator

  • Specific tips for each Human Design Type for being Multipassionate

  • Specific conditioning to let go of that will help you work how you are uniquely designed with more ease

  • Energetic types and non-energetic types, and how to still move the needle forward in your multipassions and goals

Actionable Steps: Tips for Each Human Design Type & Being Multipassionate

Manifesting Generators

  • You have internal sacral energy to tap into to take action!

  • Follow what lights you up and excites you. Notice what drains you or things. you feel like you “should” do, and ask yourself how you can let those things go, say no, or delegate those tasks.

  • You might often find yourself jumping from thing to thing based on where your excitement is — this is ok. Take a step back to assess your goals and excitement to help you re-prioritize.

  • When you feel excited, allow yourself to use that energy to work! Also, don't make it wrong if you are working on multiple projects at once — this is your superpower!


  • You have internal sacral energy to tap into to take action!

  • There will be times you feel excited, inspired and energized to work. There will be other times when you feel frustrated or lacking energy or motivation — that is ok. Don't make it wrong when you feel this way and give yourself permission to rest.

  • If you get restless, put yourself in other's energy (networking, friends, learn something new, get outside for a walk). Your strategy is to respond so help give yourself something to respond to.

  • Most importantly, make sure you are putting your time and energy toward whatever is lighting you up — if you're feeling drained, uninspired or frustrated, it's ok to take time away to rest. This may often mean that you will change your focus of your multipassions, and that's ok!


  • Inform. Inform. Inform. This is your strategy — follow it.

  • You often have multipassions that feel like your identity, which is normal. They are a part of who you are.

  • You like adventure and spontaneity, and often will feel inspired to try new things! Allow yourself to be spontaneous, try new things, and test out new passions.

  • You will naturally feel like you want to tell people (or someone specific) about what you're thinking and feeling. This is your process. Inform and talk everything through. This is what will give you the clarity to know if something is right or wrong for you, if you should pursue something, if you need to pivot or make changes, etc.

  • Your clarity as a multipassionate will come from taking spontaneous action and informing.


  • You require a lot of time and space in your process. You are not an energetic being.

  • Being multipassionate as a Projector requires time and invitations in order for you to feel like you are taking the right action and using your energy correctly for you.

  • Projectors need more rest, working in small spurts, and take more calculated, thought-out action.

  • When you manage multiple things, having some structure to your tasks/actions will help you in addition to creating lots of spaciousness in your schedule and projects to think things through — you are made to work smarter not harder.

  • Don't make it wrong that you don't get more done like generators — release this expectation. Instead, understand that this is your process.

  • To help your energy, spend an hour at a coffee shop or co-working with a friend to fuel off their energy. You might also talk things through with someone you trust — feeling seen, recognized, and validated by someone else helps you to feel inspired to take the right actions.


  • Your superpowers are your adaptability and the open-ness — which is because of all of your open/undefined centers. Especially being multipassionate, you thrive in being adaptable and open to different groups of people, environments, or situations.

  • While these can be a strength, they can also make you sensitive to taking on other people's emotions, fears, energy, identity, thoughts/ideas, etc. Take time to yourself to reflect: Is this energy/emotions/identity mine? If not, who’s energy might you be taking on? And how can you allow yourself to detach from it?

  • You might have different groups of people for each of your multipassions, which helps you gain clarity and energy on how to move forward and what actions to take.

  • It's important to recharge and tap into what you need in each moment, while also building in time to rest and recharge.

  • Don't make it wrong if you don't have a set schedule, consistency, or routines like other’s do — you work in cycles. Learn your own cycle and use it to work on your multipassions.

Free Multipassionate Bundle


About Danielle Uhl

Danielle Uhl is a Transformational Business Coach helping Business Owners & Multipassionates build a business they love & THRIVE so they can live life on their own terms! Together we'll radically align you to your goals to transform your confidence, opportunities & income.

After landing (what she thought was) her corporate dream job, she found herself feeling like something was off, and guilty for wanting more. Through personal development, she knew she wanted to start her own business and help others do the same.

In her own journey, Danielle went from struggling and not feeling good enough to running three profitable & sustainable businesses from the ground up. Her #WATCHME® brand encourages others to rediscover their confidence, go after what lights them up (even if it's against the grain), and build the wealth & success they desire.

Combining her 10+ years in corporate, 8+ years of entrepreneurship, MBA, and certificates in Life Coaching, CBT for coaching, and NLP, Danielle fosters a space for the whole person and takes a holistic, person-centered approach to coaching.

Get free resources and accessible tools to start and grow your business here.

Or book a discovery call with Danielle here to explore working together here.

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