All tagged new business

Eps. 36: Best Advice for New Business Owners

Episode 36 shares my 5 best pieces of advice for new business owners! In this episode, we talk about how you can DIY and learn through trial and error when getting started, but how doing these 5 things will help you build a sustainable business for the long-term. I walk you through actionable steps that will help you move forward in your business and grow faster!

Eps. 11: Mindset: How to get out of your own way [Build the RIGHT Business for YOU Series]

Episode 11 is all about how important your mindset to your business success, but specifically what that actually means. Mindset and "doing the work" is such a general concept thrown around so much, but you have to know what that actually looks and feels like to you in order to have the awareness and make shifts and changes. In this episode, I share specific examples of what mindset looks like and how it can come up for you so you can have the awareness to shift it to get the results you want. I walk you through actionable steps what this could look like for how you might be getting in your own way.

This is the sixth and final episode in the Build the RIGHT Business for YOU series to help new business owners take their ideas and passions and confidently start their business so they can make money doing what they love and live life on their own terms!

Eps. 10: Awkward Sales Stories & How to Fix Them [Build the RIGHT Business for YOU Series]

Episode 10 is all about sales. In this episode, I share my own awkward sales stories, how to fix them, and what you really need to focus on to close more sales in your business. Plus, I walk you through actionable steps to how to make your sales conversations feel better and not awkward.

This is the fifth episode in the Build the RIGHT Business for YOU series to help new business owners take their ideas and passions and confidently start their business so they can make money doing what they love and live life on their own terms!

Eps. 9: The Marketing Game: How to market your new business [Build the RIGHT Business for YOU Series]

Episode 9 is all about marketing. In this episode, I share how to treat marketing like a game, the 60/40 rule, as well as misconceptions you might be guilty of when it comes to your business. I walk you through actionable steps to how to get started with a simple marketing strategy for how to get your first client you can immediately implement.

This is the fourth episode in the Build the RIGHT Business for YOU series to help new business owners take their ideas and passions and confidently start their business so they can make money doing what they love and live life on their own terms!

Eps. 8: The P-Word: How to Price your products and services in business [Build the RIGHT Business for YOU Series]

Episode 8 is all about how to price your products and services in your business. In this episode, I talk about how pricing is one of the biggest questions about starting a new business, share my most awkward pricing story, explain how one pricing strategy is how NOT to price, and my number one tip when it comes to pricing. Then, I walk you through actionable steps to get started pricing your offers.

This is the third episode in the Build the RIGHT Business for YOU series to help new business owners take their ideas and passions and confidently start their business so they can make money doing what they love and live life on their own terms!

Eps. 7: YOU are the Success Factor in your Business: Focus your time & energy on the RIGHT things [Build the RIGHT Business for YOU Series]

Episode 7 is all about how to start your business and what you should be focusing your time and energy on in order to get clients and make money. In this episode, I dive into some common misconceptions that will keep you stuck and spinning your wheels, go through the most common questions I get about starting a business, and teach you the two foundational starting points. I also walk you through actionable steps to how to successfully start your business.

This is the second episode in the Build the RIGHT Business for YOU series to help new business owners take their ideas and passions and confidently start their business so they can make money doing what they love and live life on their own terms!

Eps. 6: How to Build the RIGHT Business for YOU [Build the RIGHT Business for YOU Series]

Episode 6 is for the new business owner to help you start and grow your business, specifically, how to build the RIGHT business for YOU. In this episode, I share how to choose the right business idea, how to build a business that fits you personally, and why it's important to build a profitable and sustainable business for you. I walk you through actionable steps to how to choose your idea, deeply understand yourself, and start to build the right business for you.

This episode is the first in the new Build the RIGHT Business for YOU series to help new business owners take their ideas and passions and confidently start their business so they can make money doing what they love and live life on their own terms!